Some Kentucky readers may be surprised to learn that January has apparently been dubbed "divorce month." This is due to an increase in inquiries, by means of the internet and otherwise, related to the topic during this month each year. Many people reportedly delay intentions to file for divorce until after their holiday seasons are over.
Especially in situations that involve children, parents often choose to set their differences aside for the sake of family unity during the holidays. Once January rolls around, focuses may change to New Year resolutions that, for some, may include ending their marriages. Opinions vary greatly regarding the subject of divorce and whether it benefits or causes potential negative risks to children.
Some say children are better off in situations where parents stay together when spouses are not happy in their marriages. Others, particularly those who have been emotionally or physically abused, advocate divorce as a means of relief and restoration of peace under troubled circumstances. No two situations are exactly alike, and spouses themselves must make the ultimate decision in the best interests of their own families.
Whether initiated in January or another month, divorce often includes various unresolved issues regarding parenting, finances and/or other important issues. When there has been a significant breakdown in communication between spouses, finding agreeable solutions may prove challenging. An experienced family law attorney is often a skilled negotiator who can act on behalf of a concerned parent in Kentucky to negotiate an arrangement that focuses on children's overall well-being and potential for a successful, happy future.