Ending a marriage is seldom easy; however, when both parties approach the process like adults, the stress and trauma are sometimes limited. A Kentucky spouse might notice that his or her divorce is heading the way of those that are rougher and more traumatic than the average breakup. Recognizing the signs may help that person to deal with the challenges he or she will be facing.
Difficulty can arise when the other spouse tends to feel ashamed for being vulnerable. This personality type typically bypasses the natural first experience of sadness and goes straight into a state of anger. Another sign of imminent drama is a spouse who automatically tries to make the spouse wanting divorce to feel guilty as if he or she is abandoning the other party and the children. This person ignores the fact that a divorce is the end of a relationship between two adults without necessarily cutting ties with the children.
Then there are those who decide that they will make the process extra difficult -- not only during the divorce proceedings but also afterward. In many cases, this type of person disregards the fact that the children are also put through hell. Denial of having played any part in the breakdown of the marriage is another challenge because this leaves all the explaining to family members and friends for the other spouse to do, causing even more stress.
While many Kentucky couples choose to avoid litigation and would rather resolve their issues through mediation, a spouse showing any of the above traits will likely not willingly enter into negotiations. This is where the support and guidance of an experienced divorce attorney can be invaluable. A lawyer can assess the circumstances and suggest the most appropriate way forward.